Offshore Diving Services specializes in the provision of the following services:
Mooring Installation, maintenance and Inspections
Offshore Diving Services pride themselves on their 100% track record of incident free maintenance of over 620 moorings over the WA coast. We are meticulous in our service and are on call 24hrs a day 7 days a week for our client's confidence. Some installations are completed in sensitive areas under DEC control (Ningaloo Marine Park) with strict guidelines on the mooring systems.
Vessel Salvage
Vessel salvage is the second largest component of our business – with clients being able to contact us once again 24hrs a day 7 days a week. Offshore Diving Services aims to rectify any salvage situation with the best possible outcome for the client.
Underwater welding, cutting and rock bolting
We conduct underwater welding of anodes, removal of old piles for numerous Yacht Clubs along the Swan River. Reattachment of Nav Aids to sea bed (rock bolting) in high tidal flow areas.
CP Testing of Piles
Offshore Diving Services CP tests piles for anode conditions to check their current effectiveness and need for replacement.
Silt curtain installation and maintenance
In marina developments & dredge works where construction is to take place, Offshore Diving Services has been responsible for the laying of geo fabric curtains on sea walls as required.
Underwater video surveying & photographics
Offshore Diving Services conducts Underwater video surveying & photographics of sea walls, vessel hulls, pipelines, bottom profiles, mooring systems or whatever the client may require.
Water quality monitoring programmes
Offshore Diving Services has been responsible for the deployment & retrieval of loggers, DO2 units, AWAC frames and sediment sampling for numerous clients and government bodies, along with various Electronic Sensor deployment and maintenance.
Installation of pipeline discharge / suction lines in Dams
Offshore Diving Services has been responsible for the cleaning of intake screens for large pump stations in numerous dams in the southwest and the Aqua Culture Industry.
Glen Johnson
t: 0419 048 670
p: 08 9402 5009
f: 08 9402 5009
7 Leichhardt Ave, Padbury 6025
Unit 1/24 Triumph Ave, Wangara 6065
Offshore Affiliates
ACM – Australian Commercial Marine
PCDS – Pacific Commercial Diving Supplies
Unirig – Mooring & Rigging Equipment