General Diving
Offshore Diving Services has previously completed tasks that involve:
- salvage operations,
- mooring design, supply ,installation and surveys,
- underwater construction services including cutting of steel, wood and concrete
- silt curtain supply, installation, maintenance and removal
Offshore Diving Services are extremely safety conscious and provide:
- Daily Diving Plan (including evacuation and emergency contact details)
- Copy of AS:2299.1.:2007
- Offshore Diving Services Operations Manual
- Daily Dive Operation Logs
- Work Method Statements (WMS) and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Conduct Tool Box Meetings when situations change – Start of new operations
Glen Johnson
t: 0419 048 670
p: 08 9402 5009
f: 08 9402 5009
7 Leichhardt Ave, Padbury 6025
Unit 1/24 Triumph Ave, Wangara 6065
Offshore Affiliates
ACM – Australian Commercial Marine
PCDS – Pacific Commercial Diving Supplies
Unirig – Mooring & Rigging Equipment