Replacement of Nav Aid in Coral Bay Navigational Channel, Controlled by DPI
Mobilise dive team, vessel and equipment to Coral Bay from Perth to AS/NZS 2299 standards. Re-attach Nav aid to Sea bed (Rock bolting).
Completed March 2011.
Repair and Maintenance of Oxygenation Plant at Canning River for BOC Gas and Water Corporation
Supply dive vessel and 3 man team to AS2299 standards. Lift and repair intakes, diffusing sparger nozzles on the river bed.
Completed November 2010.
Installation of Silt Curtains for Water Corp Desalination Project, Cockburn Sound
Supply dive vessel and 3 man team to AS 2299 standards for the installation and removal of Silt Curtains on the construction phase.
Completed April 2006
Rockteck - Coogee Waters Seawall Construction & Marina Development
Assist in seawall construction with under water videoing of rock placement. Laying out of GEO fabric for the construction phase of the marina islands and internal sea walls. Deployment and maintenance of silt curtains in and around development during construction phase.
Approx 16 months
Apache Energy / Cardino - Varanus – Monte Bello Islands
Conduct water quality surveys in and around the operating oil / gas fields. Coral monitoring programmes at sites in the Monte Bello – Barrow Island area. Set up and deploy transects and collect sediment / seagrass samples. Deploy loggers and equipment.
Currently ongoing
Greenspan / Total Australian Marine Service
Set up & Maintain water monitoring systems Cockburn Sound. Deployment & Maintenance of equipment for Water Corp.
(Desalination Project)
Water Corp & BOC Gas
Canning River Re Oxygenation Plant removal & re deployment of equipment.
Alkimos WWTP – Water Corp – Zublin - Multiplex
Supply dive team and vessel to conduct and Assist in Benthic Habitat & Turbidity & water monitoring deployment.
Water Corp Harvey Water (Logue Brook Dam)
Refurbishment Programme. Complete Set up, supervise & manage a 7 man dive team with a DDC on site for confined entry for survey & remedial work completed at the discharge tower. Depths of up to 30 metres.
Cossack Pearls
Benthic Surveys for Pearling lease areas. Manager of Aquaculture (hatchery pearling). Grow out Programmes & bottom systems for grow out.
Cossack Pearls / Arrow Pearls / Dampier Pearls
Surveys for Impact Studies on effects of Pearling Programmes to natural bottom habitat systems.
Glen Johnson
t: 0419 048 670
p: 08 9402 5009
f: 08 9402 5009
7 Leichhardt Ave, Padbury 6025
Unit 1/24 Triumph Ave, Wangara 6065
Offshore Affiliates
ACM – Australian Commercial Marine
PCDS – Pacific Commercial Diving Supplies
Unirig – Mooring & Rigging Equipment