The G & C Johnson Trust trades as Offshore Diving Services. Offshore Diving Services is a registered business name that has been registered and operational since September 2007.
Offshore Diving and Mooring Services combined have been in operation for 20 plus years. In that time we have worked in all aspects of the diving industry, with most of our current work being installation, maintenance and removal of mooring systems from Albany to Exmouth, and salvage of vessels.
Currently we have over 620 moorings along the coast and the Swan River that we service and maintain annually, with some of these that are run by DPI and DEC (Ningaloo Marine Park).
Offshore Diving Services aims to provide a quality and assured service in the diving, mooring and marine vessel background where quality for a reasonable price is our top priority.
Client Base includes:
Department of Fisheries
WA Water Police
Water Corp
Swan River Trust
Cardino Ecology
Total AMS
Club Marine Insurance
Trident Insurance
Nautilus Insurance
Numerous Individual Mooring Clients
Glen Johnson
t: 0419 048 670
p: 08 9402 5009
f: 08 9402 5009
7 Leichhardt Ave, Padbury 6025
Unit 1/24 Triumph Ave, Wangara 6065
Offshore Affiliates
ACM – Australian Commercial Marine
PCDS – Pacific Commercial Diving Supplies
Unirig – Mooring & Rigging Equipment